You might not be neurotypical if you go back to edit your tags so that they're in alphabetical order.

I haven't been diagnosed with OCD or any other anxiety disorder (although I might be borderline on that 'cos there are things I get a little anxious about that no one else does), but I am a little germophobic and I am diagnosed with ADHD-C. And one thing I've learned about ADHD is that some of its symptoms can mimic/be mistaken for symptoms of other disorders.

I have a poor working memory (which is a symptom of ADHD) and for as long as I can remember, I've always had to double- triple- quadruple-check things like "Did I turn off the light?" "Did I lock the door?" "Did I gather all of my things?" For a long time I thought that was OCD because there was a bit of worry involved, but that was just my working memory failing to deliver the memo that yes, the light is off, the door is locked, I have all my stuff.