The Cracked Chrysalis 

crawling out of my comfort zone, taking refuge in nerdy things

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You might not be neurotypical if...

You might not be neurotypical if you go back to edit your tags so that they're in alphabetical order.

I haven't been diagnosed with OCD or any other anxiety disorder (although I might be borderline on that 'cos there are things I get a little anxious about that no one else does), but I am a little germophobic and I am diagnosed with ADHD-C. And one thing I've learned about ADHD is that some of its symptoms can mimic/be mistaken for symptoms of other disorders.

I have a poor working memory (which is a symptom of ADHD) and for as long as I can remember, I've always had to double- triple- quadruple-check things like "Did I turn off the light?" "Did I lock the door?" "Did I gather all of my things?" For a long time I thought that was OCD because there was a bit of worry involved, but that was just my working memory failing to deliver the memo that yes, the light is off, the door is locked, I have all my stuff. Read More »

The cat

My housemate has a cat that is not allowed in the rest of the house for reasons. So when the room needs vacuuming, kitty goes in her carrier and placed in the bathtub. Kitty understandably does not like this, because her little walnut brain doesn't understand silly human rituals. I stay in the bathroom with her and sing softly to help calm her down. Last time we did this, kitty cried a lot at first and cried a bit here and there for the whole time. This time, she cried a lot at first and then was silent for the rest of the time. I think this means she's acclimating to this, and I like to think my singing helps.